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Leading Climate Action and Creating Greener Cities. Towards Climate Neutral European Cities by 2030.

NetZeroCities is an industry-leading climate action initiative aimed at transforming European cities into carbon-neutral hubs by 2030. Launched as part of the EU's mission on climate-neutral and smart cities, NetZeroCities brings together a coalition of cities, industries, policymakers, and experts to tackle the challenges of climate change at the urban level. It provides the support, tools, and innovation needed to transition cities into sustainable, zero-emission areas.

About Net Zero Cities

European Union’s Green Deal

NetZeroCities (NZC) is part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme in support of the European Union’s Green Deal. The programme has been designed to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face in achieving climate neutrality.

As part of the NZC Pilot Cities Programme , NetZeroCities supports a series of pilots to help drive learning about how to achieve climate neutrality at city scale. The NZC Pilot Cities Programme aims to support the testing and implementation of innovative approaches to rapid decarbonisation over a two-year pilot programme.

Cities receive funding and are also supported through a range of services, knowledge and expertise provided by NetZeroCities, including assistance from Climate Neutral City Advisors and other specialists. The programme aims to develop and test locally tailored actions and approaches to climate action, with a view to deploying and scaling up these actions on a wider scale towards a climate transition.

104 cities have been selected to take part in the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Programme. Selected pilot cities are working across thematic areas, including mobility, energy systems, the built environment, material and resource flows, health and well-being and natural areas.

Green Initiatives

EU Cities Take Positive Action Towards Climate Change

Europe is taking committed action and a strategic approach to reach ambitious sustainability goals and climate neutrality.

The Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research and innovation programmes, the European Green Deal and other European Union policies and directives propel European Member States towards a 55% cut in emissions by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050.

You can find out more about NetZeroCities and their initiatives here.

What Is Climate Neutrality?

Climate neutrality refers to balancing the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted into the atmosphere and the amount removed or offset, resulting in no net increase in atmospheric GHGs.

In other words, the goal is to reduce emissions to as close to zero as possible and compensate for any remaining emissions by absorbing or capturing an equivalent amount through natural or technological means

Reducing Emissions

Cutting down emissions from sectors like transportation, industry, energy, and agriculture by transitioning to renewable energy, enhancing energy efficiency, and adopting sustainable practices.

Offsetting Emissions

Any unavoidable emissions are balanced by carbon capture technologies or natural solutions such as reforestation, which absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Ultimately, climate neutrality aims to prevent further global warming by ensuring that human activities do not contribute.

Window and Door Upgrades:

Replacing old windows and doors with double or triple glazing improves insulation and significantly reduces heat loss.

Climate Pilot

Galway City - A Net Zero Pilot City

Galway City is participating in the EU NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Programme and is testing innovative ways to reduce the city’s carbon emissions. The Galway City NetZeroCities pilot project focuses on energy efficiency in buildings and aims to address the barriers associated with retrofitting homes.

The project involves:

The establishment of a community one-stop-shop known as the Warm Home Hub to provide information and guide households through their retrofitting journey.

Research on retrofitting skills and training courses for contractors and the development of measures to address any gaps in provision and uptake.

A multi-agency steering group tasked with addressing the challenges faced by households in relation to retrofitting at local, regional and national levels.

The sharing of knowledge and experience with other European cities, through twinning and learning arrangements. The project commenced in June 2023 and ends in May 2025. Project partners are Galway City Council, Galway Energy Co-operative, University of Galway, Atlantic Technological University and the Northern & Western Regional Assembly.

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Westside Resource Centre
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